Jonah - The Relentless Grace & Mercy of God
November 8, 2020 - Small Group Questions
For the last 5 weeks we have been studying the book of Jonah, which highlights how our sin & self-righteousness can prevent us from experience the blessing of God’s relentless grace and mercy in our lives. Below are 4 questions to help review what we’ve learned together in this study rooted in God’s transformational gospel of grace that leads to our salvation.
1. GRACE: The predominant theme we find in the book of Jonah is the relentless grace & mercy of our God.
We learned…
In what way did God use the book of Jonah to challenge you in the midst of encountering these vital biblical truths?
We learned…
- There is no sin too great for the grace of God. God plays no favorites, His grace is sufficient for all, and no one is beyond redemption (Jonah 3:9).
- God’s grace & mercy is at work in our lives, even in the midst of trials (Jonah 1:16; 2:5-6)
- God’s grace & salvation is available to EVERYONE regardless of what your background is, who you are, or what past sin you’ve committed (Jonah 3:5, 10).
In what way did God use the book of Jonah to challenge you in the midst of encountering these vital biblical truths?
2. SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS: It is evident that Jonah’s self-righteous & self-centered behavior is at the heart of his rebellion against God. The book of Jonah functions as a mirror, causing us to reflect and challenge ourselves concerning our own behavior & attitudes in this area.
- In what specific areas have you seen self-righteousness & self-centeredness hinder your walk with Christ?
- How do you feel self-righteousness & self-centeredness within Christianity play a role in hindering the gospel from going forward?
- How can we both as individuals and as a Church defeat the negative stigma that Christians are judgmental, hypocritical, & self-righteous?
3. MISSION: On display for us in the book of Jonah is the missionary heart of God. The Lord desires all to turn from their sin, receive His gift of salvation, and be reconciled in their relationship with Him (1 Tim 2:4). Because God is a missionary God, He calls us as His disciples to be a missionary people who show compassion to the lost, kindness to those who are different than us, and love our enemies. Jesus says, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost†(Luke 19:10)… “As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you†(John 20:21).
- What are some of the most glaring areas that you see today where we fail to love those who have diverging opinions and are different than us?
- What do you believe is our greatest stumbling block in being obedient to God’s missionary calling on our lives as His disciples?
4. SHARE: After studying the book of Jonah these past 5 weeks, what part of the book impacted & challenged you the most?