Holy Ground

FMC Mezzanine

Take off your shoes (if you are unable – please don’t worry!) and spend some silent time reading God’s Word.  Reflect on what God’s Word says.  Take a moment to bow before Him and devote yourself completely to His will.
Suggested Passages: 

The Body of Christ

Corner of FMC (Left of Stage)

What is one simple thing you can do when you get home as a member of the body of Christ to encourage a brother or sister?   An encouraging word, a kind deed, a Facebook message, flowers…?   Think of one tangible thing you will do today and write your idea on a post-it note.   Place your act of encouragement on the body of Christ.  Perhaps your idea will inspire someone else! 

Love Note

Corner of FMC (Right of Stage)

Many people have described the Bible as God’s Love Note.  He gave Himself in obedience to the Father to redeem and to purify us. He calls His Disciples to love others as He has loved us.   Write a note to God sharing your gratitude for who He is! He alone is worthy of our adoration and worship! Use the list of names and titles of God to thank Him specifically for who He is. You can choose to reveal your name or remain anonymous.  When you are finished, tape your note to the wall.

Love Thy Neighbor!

Back Field (Outside - Traffic Cones!)

NMBC is blessed to serve and love our neighbors not only in the few blocks surrounding our physical location – but as the Church (being His people, not a building) we are able to love our neighbors in the communities that the Lord has us in.
Please pray for outreach opportunities NMBC is given to love our neighbors and point to the Good News of Jesus to a hurt and broken world:
  • Vacation Bible School!  - VBS is THIS WEEK (July-6-9)! Pray for all the campers we are blessed to serve and share the gospel with! All kids are K-5th Grade and will hear this week about Christ's Love! We are blessed with an awesome team of volunteers also! Join us in praying for the safety of everyone, unity in serving together, and eternal impacts in the lives of all involved!
  • NMBC's Immediate Neighbors - Pray for the salvation of our immediate neighbors who live within walking distance from our campus. Join us in praying for many new neighbors who have moved in this past 1.5 years. Ask the Lord to draw them to this church family and to point His church to GO and be a blessing to our neighbors!
  • YOUR Immediate Neighbors - Pray for the salvation of your neighbors who live on your block! We challenge you to begin to take regular walks in your neighborhood and pray for each home as you walk. As God give you opportunities, talk with your neighbors and show them Jesus!

U-Turn for Christ

FMC Mezzanine

Pray for NMBC Missions Partner, U-Turn for Christ, which is a men’s residential home, based in Freehold, NJ that focuses on leading men through recovery by focusing on growing as disciples of Jesus Christ. Join in praying for:
  • Residents to seek the Lord by trusting in Him as their Lord and Savior.
  • Many men in Monmouth County who are battling addiction to make a bold step move into the U-Turn house.
  • Restoration of marriages and families as men graduate U-Turn for Christ and begin living their lives with purpose and passion for the Lord.
  • The Leadership of U-Turn for Christ, specifically Pastor Kevin Haye and Pastor Todd Honour – for wisdom, understanding, and hearts to shepherd men out of addiction and into lives that are flourishing with gospel witness!

Praying Hands

Under FMC Large Cross

Trace your hand on the poster.  Write a prayer request inside your hand. 
Take a few moments to place your hand inside someone else’s handprint and pray for them.

Pray for Healing

Corner of FMC (Right of Stage)

Join us in praying for our loved ones who are sick and in need of healing. Pray over the names listed at the station.
Join in praying for loved ones who have yet to trust in Christ and receive ultimate spiritual healing. Only receiving Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior brings new and everlasting life!

Sharper than a Sword

FMC Mezzanine (White Board)

Share your favorite Bible verse.  Write it here.  If it is too long, include a key quote or just the reference.   The verse(s) you write may help someone else in their walk today.  

Pray for our Nation

Around the Flagpole (Outside)

As we celebrate Independence Day as a Nation – Join together in praying for God’s will to be done in our country. Lift up our elected leaders: Our President, his cabinet, our Governor, and other state and local officials. Petition the Lord on behalf of the marginalized. Seek His face for justice and mercy in our land. Most importantly, pray that the church in America would be committed to proclaiming Christ as Savior and that the Lord would use His church to equip the saints for ministry, grow in devotion as His disciples, serve the needy, bless our neighbors, and make His name famous!

Pray with the NMBC Elders

In front of Stage

NMBC’s Elders invite you to join them in seeking the Lord’s will for His church!
Discipleship Pastor - The Elders are praying over calling a full-time pastor to cultivate a greater emphasis on small group ministry here at NMBC. The Discipleship Pastor would use his gifts to build up the body in overseeing adult discipleship and equip small group leadership. Join us in praying for God’s direction and wisdom, and for the right candidate to serve Christ’s church!
Church Building Renovation – Join us in asking the Lord for wisdom, the finances, and a plan that will ensure that our church family can continue to worship in that space for decades to come.
Discipleship Group Emphasis – God calls His people to do life together! We have seen how distancing and isolation have taken a toll in the lives of God’s people. This September, the Elders plan to launch small groups that will meet regularly in homes where individuals, couples, and families are doing life together as they grow in their relationship with Jesus! Join us in praying for the commitment of the NMBC family to belong to a group, the relationships that will form in groups to spur one another on to seek after God’s will, and for gospel transformation to take place where people who haven’t trusted in Christ as Savior yet will, and those who have, to grow in their relationship with God!

Good News!

Patio (Outside)

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is GOOD NEWS! This Good News tells us that because of our sin, we were once enemies with God, but by His grace, Christ lived a sinless life and died a sinners death so that those who would trust in Jesus would be saved from the weight of their sin (death). This Good News declares that there is life abundantly in Christ! Walk the “Romans Road of Salvation” and praise God for His mercy and grace!

Writing in the Sand

Patio (Outside)

Read John 8:1-11
Jesus forgives us and cleanses us from all unrighteousness when we confess our sins to him.   As far as the East is from the West, that is how far he removes our sin from us!    Scribble words or another representation of the sins in your life.   Now smooth out the sand and watch as the sins disappear, never to be remembered again!  
Realize that you are FORGIVEN and you have been made righteous by the powerful blood of Jesus Christ!   Tell God “THANK YOU” for making you pure and just as if you have never sinned!

How Can We Pray For YOU?

Take a minute to fill out a prayer request form so that NMBC's elders and staff can commit you to prayer!